Saturday, October 24, 2009

Talent Show

I've been trying to think real hard about a "talent" I could share in the upcoming RS Enrichment program, but I'm at a loss. Maybe this is because I have no obvious talents, like playing piano or singing (I feel these talents are completely overrated). But how do you cook a meal without a recipe on a stage? And it would be completely boring for the senior citizens we are entertaining to watch me memorize definitions and scriptures. The only things I could come up with were a reverse strip-tease (thanks Stratford 303 boys!) or a synchronized swimming routine. Does anyone else have any ideas? (I'm trying to get my mother-in-law in on the action too) Let's have your ideas!


  1. hahaha you should totally memorize definitions and such on stage-- have your mother in law get ideas from the audience and you have to throw 'em back out. IN ASL AT THE SAME TIME! HOLLA! yeah, i couldn't do it...

    ok that's a lame idea. but true talent :)

  2. how about hitting a wind chime with rubber bands. you were pretty good at that. or eating a whole watermelon in one sitting.

  3. dear friends, I fear that the elderly do not appreciate these fine talents I've diligently acquired. I forgot about the wind chimes. Yes, I am good.

  4. I can totally see your mother in law doing a reverse strip tease.. haha but reading that part in your blog did bring back amazing memories :) I love the Stratford 303 boys- and Uncle Spits McGreggerson. I walk by his pond every day to work at the preschool and think of all the good times..
