Monday, March 15, 2010


(For Deanna and the good ole days of definitions- can we resurrect this tradition?)

Domesticus-n. (do-mes-ti-kuhs) Greek goddess of all domestic responsibilities, influences, and ideas; creator of lovely household items that give joy to admirers. Is an acquired role. One seeking this title need not be married, possess any innate skills or talents, or enjoy domestic things. Also known as Allison?

What happens when you can't afford trendy pillows for your couch and your urge to decorate gnaws your very soul? You get creative. (and sometimes angry...) Scott's grandmother so graciously gave me this sewing machine. She received it as a graduation present from her father. The machine is in really good condition and can sew a button on a yardstick, which is the reason he purchased it. (I have not attempted this because the machine and I have not become friendly yet...thus the angry part)
Also bequeathed to us is the awesome avocado lamp you see pictured with the machine.

The finished product? One pillow that took more time to make than I work in a month. Now I just have to finish the other pillow for the love seat. Hoping it's done by Christmas time. :)
Such a cute model!


  1. I'm impressed! I couldn't make one if you gave me 30 needles to break. ;)

  2. well at least they look awesome!!

  3. 4 things:
    1. Cute pillows! Makes me some.
    2. Did you just post these? Because I swear I've been checking your blog and these weren't here before.
    3. I LOVE our definitions! Let's resurrect them.
    4. Why does someone want a button on a yardstick?

  4. in response:
    1. Okay
    2. I had them written but never posted them because I was too lazy to upload the pictures.... lame face I know.
    3. I second the motion.
    4. I have no clue. Maybe in 1954 people were interested in that type of sewing
