Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer so far...

I've been meaning to update the blog, but I guess just like every other "journal" I start, it is left unfinished. The good thing about it being online is that I don't see all the empty pages I have left to fill.
Where shall we start? Scott's grandmother passed away last month. The night before she passed, my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, cousin(in-law?) and I were visiting her in hospice and were chatting about all things females chat about. When my mother-in-law came the next morning to trade visits with Grandpa, she was gone. Granny"snuck"out during the changing of the guard, so to speak. All of us who had visited her the night before knew the reality of the situation- she didn't want us to come and "girl talk" around her bed anymore! We had been prepared for Granny's "trip" as she liked to call it, because she talked about it so much. It was a much welcomed rest for her and a very peaceful time for the family.

Naturally everyone came in town for the funeral, which also translates to "family reunion time" in the Martin line. We had a blast! My mother-in-law commented when we moved into our house that the reason was partly to hold bodies for the funeral/reunion. Boy did we. 13 people was the minimum for a week. Our air conditioning went out that week too, which made for more exciting times! We canoed and ate and visited and toured museums and ate and laughed and cried and played and... I could continue with a very long run-on sentence.

Not much else has gone on here... just school for Scott and work for me. We really like our ward and Scott is having fun with the Webelos. I'm still on the RS Activities committee and we are a cut-up group of gals. And that's our summer so far...

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