Monday, July 20, 2009

54 days...

Until we're back in Ohio and moving into a new apartment! I have been looking online and calling every apt complex in the Montgomery area for the last month to find a place when we return. Today I finally got a steal for a 925 sq ft apt. AND... it's in the Montgomery ward, AND a mile away from Grandpa and Grandma Martin! We will live in Loveland (I must be like you Deet, even if it's 6 states away).... yay! It's a little bit of an older complex, but they did some recent renovations and it'll be so nice to be close to family that we don't really care how it looks. (Anything would be better than the teensy basement apt we had in Provo!) We're only in a 3 month lease so we're still crossing our fingers for the Schlensker's house in December!

In other news, Scott has been doing AMAZING in sales these last few weeks. He's on his way to 50 sales- his goal for the summer being 75. It's completely reachable (esp. now that the reps have 3 days they sell for 12 hours! yikes- his poor feet!) in the 6 weeks we have left here. I get more hours in the office too, which works out to our advantage as well. And I learned that the other girl working in the office will be leaving in August, so I'll be working 70hrs/week for the last few weeks we're in Oklahoma. Everything seems to be coming together.


  1. Loveland? Really? Awesome. I hope it's as good as Loveland, CO.

  2. Congratulations all around! Wonderful news! Go Scott on the sales! And if you want a feel-good and interesting book to read in your 70 hour weeks, Ally, try Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It's fabulous.
