Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Heavenly Father

Hi, it's me again! Just have a question for you... how serious are you when you say, "Love thy neighbor"????

Because I would really like it if Caleb Hallesman was not included in this commandment to me. You know, that Kentucky hillbilly at work with a missing right central incisor? The one that thinks he's my boss, but was hired after me? I'm sure you know him... he's that guy that keeps making up RIDICULOUS hunting stories about catching coyotes. The one that takes 2673 cigarette breaks in an 8hr shift and makes me smell bad just by standing next to him. That co-worker that conveniently leaves the deli when we have customers. And he swears. A LOT. Yeah, him.

Please do not include him in the list of my neighbors when I am judged.



P.S.- I tried to come up with some solutions: Perhaps you could make it so that we aren't work "neighbors" anymore, because I find myself hating work and life in general when he's around.(I even tried the hum and then sing aloud your favorite hymn today- and he has a strong evil power.) Or maybe you could help me get that job at Cinci Children's hospital so I could really work full time and get benefits. Just to name a few...

1 comment:

  1. I was just reading Elder Uchtdorf's talk on the love of God and couldn't help but think of your understandable struggle when I read the following: "Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility, and respect." So how to find that love in the first place? Pray, sister, pray. Wow that's a hard one!!!
