Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Heat is ON!

My friends and I created a little competition called the biggest loser-winner to see who can lose the biggest % body fat by the end of summer. (Original name I know... I just wanted to sound more motivating, so we added "winner") We have a point system for drinking water, taking a daily vitamin, getting enough sleep, and not eating past 7:30.You would think my current weight would be enough motivation to get me into a regular exercise program, but no, it's the competitor in me that feeds my determination to get fit and slim down. I've been extremely competitive most of my life, and coming into the Rollins family has only boosted my rival instincts. For example: I won't quit playing Skip-bo with Scott until I know I've smeared his self-esteem into the dreary depths of the earth's inner core. It sounds rough, I'll admit, but that's just me. SO.. I say to Shari and Melissa- The heat is on! Bring what you can.


  1. dude, so not scared of you! haha seriously, i keep thinking, CAN I SERIOUSLY LOSE 30 LBS?!!? but if i keep trying to beat the pants off you two, i think i just might! that's a lot more water than i usually drink! haha :) i'm so glad we're doing this together!! even if i lose to you, i still lose weight. it's all a win-win. yay for bigges loser-winners! haha

  2. competition is the best. Go Ally go!!

  3. I've got those competitive genes, too. Wish I was in a position to join you. I could use the motivation to lay off of desserts!

  4. Ally... competitive... no way!! :) I might want in on this competition... just super unmotivated is all. Maybe I can be the host, keep things fair in this game!! :)
    Miss you guys, hope all is well!

  5. Nice! Great motivation girls! Good luck!

  6. not eating past 7:30? Ooh, that would be the hard one for me. good luck!
