Friday, May 1, 2009

Mmm, Mmm good.

Why is chicken noodle soup so delicious? Why does it make all the feelings of wintry weather melt away into warm coziness? It's just so inviting and familiar. If anyone knows the answers to these burning questions, please share... I've wondered for years.


  1. chicken soup is so delicious because YOU MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THAT!!! HOLY COW THAT LOOKS GOOD! Maybe you should eat it over some mashed potatoes :) hehe. Why does it make all the feelings of wintery weather blah blah blah? because, again, you obviously make the best chicken noodle soup ever. So there, questions solved. :)

  2. ha ha.. I wish that were true. I have some left, so perhaps I will try the mashed potatoes route. Emily always swears by it!

  3. Well Ally, some scientists say that the steam from chicken soup may open up congested noses and throats, and carry substances that help reduce the inflammatory response. They also found that some ingredients help stop the movement of neutrophils. The activity of neutrohpils can stimulate a release of mucous, which may be the cause of the coughs and stuffy nose caused by upper respiratory infections such as colds.
    That's why it may make us feel so good, and cozy. Because it's killing the cold inside.
